Useful Phone Numbers

Acorns Primary School 01772 792681

School Nurse
Sarah Johnson, the school nurse based at Acorns will be able to help with any medical concerns you have. Sarah is available 9.00 am - 3.30 pm, Monday to Wednesday: 01772 792681


The first point of contact is usually your child's passenger assistant, whose number will be given to you at the start of the year. If you experience any other difficulties, please contact:

The Special Needs Transport Team at County Hall: 01772 705055

SureStart Counselling Service: offer support for a range of problems e.g. depression, bereavement, domestic violence, confidence building and self harms issues: 01772 655789

Parent Partnership: 01772 536981/0300 1236706

CAMHS: 01772 777344

Occupational Therapists: 01772 777318

Physiotherapists: 01772 777316

Sir Tom Finney High School: 01772 795749